
conference «Business of medical services 2011»

4 апреля 2011, просмотров: 8846, Категория - Итоги » медицина. социальные вопросы
в избранное
conference «Business of medical services 2011»

» when: May 19th, 10a.m. to 6p.m.
» where: conference-hall, ITE «Sibreian Fair», Novosibirsk, Russia

On May 19th the second annual business conference «Business of medical services» will take place within the limits of exhibition MEDSIB-2011 (ITE «Siberian Fair»).

Who should come to this conference?

heads of medical institutions (polyclinics, hospitals, private clinics), sanatoria – dispensaries; manufacturers and suppliers of medical products; experts on legal and administrative aspects of medical activity; insurance companies’ representatives, HR-managers; authorities and scientific community; mass-media

Questions to be discussed:

 State regulation of medical institutions’ business activity: main prospects on it
 Interactive resources in medicine: «Electronic government», electronic registry, call-centers
 Development of the system of medical insurance
 Development of voluntary medical insurance programs (treatment and preventive maintenance)
 Pricing of medical services: competition and quality
 Ethical and legal aspects of medical services promotion. Medical institutions sales department
 Agreement on voluntary medical insurance with insurance companies or directly with the medical center? – Pro's and con's (aspects: the taxation, service quality, offer width)
 Employees’ insurance: appeal of vacancies, loyalty of employers.

Participants of conference get
 Access to materials of reports with the contact information
 Certificate of conference participant
 Infinite value of business communication

Contact for more information:

Strategic Communications Agency «BDA»
Novosibirsk, Russia
Tel./Fax. +7 383 246 08 47, +7 383 246 08 99
E-mail: office@askbda.ru